Hospital Bag Checklist with Explanations

Quick Tip! Send this list to your partner so they have it in case of an emergency rushed labour, this way they (or someone else) will know what to pack for you, if they are at home grabbing things and you are already at the hospital.

For Mom (You):

  • OB records, health card, insurance card – In case you go into early labour and the hospital doesn’t have your records yet!
  • Personal medications – Although they may supply this at the hospital, I always brought mine to be safe.
  • Phone & long phone charger!
  • Entertainment (i.e. tablet with shows downloaded in case you don’t have wifi).
  • Wireless headphones – Not necessary but nice to have if you are watching shows, etc while in labour.
  • Heating pad – My back always hurt a lot after delivering (from pushing etc) so personally, a heating pad was a must-have for me.
  • Pillow from home, with extra pillowcase in case it gets dirty – Not necessary but hospital pillows are pretty flat and I sleep so much better with my own pillow.
  • Postpartum Clothing:
    • Loose pants
    • Loose shirts
    • Cozy cardigan type sweater – nursing friendly.
    • Nursing bra – I recommend one that unclips from the front or back so that if you have an IV, etc. you are able to put it on/off as needed.
    • Nursing cami – nice to have option.
    • Lightweight robe for after delivery – nice to have option.
    • Cozy socks
    • Underwear if you are going to use pads – I always used adult underwear for at least the 1st week postpartum.
  • Plastic slip on sandals – Highly recommend these for the shower! Also helpful to have for walking around in your hospital room/hallways.
  • “Regular” nipple cream – I liked the Lansinoh brand.
  • APNO (all purpose nipple ointment) – Tip! Ask your postpartum doctor/nurse if you could have a prescription for APNO (all purpose nipple ointment) – This is really good to fill while at the hospital and have on hand for postpartum if your nipples get sore those 1st few weeks while figuring out nursing.
  • Nursing pillow
  • Disposable Nursing Pads
  • A stack of adult underwear & large pads on your preference – The hospitals in Canada should supply at least the large pads, but I always brought some from home just in case.
  • In a smaller bathroom bag (highly recommend having a small bathroom bag to easily grab when you finally get the chance to have your glorious postpartum shower!):
    • Toothbrush
    • Toothpaste
    • Hair elastics
    • Deodorant
    • Face wipes – I used these if I wanted to feel clean before/after sleeping, etc.
    • Lip chap 
    • Travel size shampoo & conditioner
    • Travel size face wash
    • Moisturizer 
  • Eye care – Glasses, travel size contact solution, and contact case.
  • Hairbrush
  • Water Bottle 
  • Snacks – You can’t eat during labour but you will be so hungry after giving birth! Your hospital probably has a cafe your partner can grab food from but snacks are good to have on hand in between meal times and in case the cafe is closed at night. Suggestions:
    • Granola Bars
    • Fruit
    • Crackers
    • Nut Mix

For Baby:

  • Sleepers (preemie & newborn) – A few of each should be enough
    • Knowing which size to bring can be difficult but I would base it off of how many weeks you are. I delivered my 1st at 41 weeks and she was 7lbs 14 oz, so she fit into newborn sleepers. I delivered my twins at 37 weeks and they were 5lbs 3 oz & 5lbs 8 oz, so they were in preemie. I have heard of some babies needing 0-3 months right away, so if you are overdue and measuring bigger then I would grab a couple of 0-3 sleepers to be safe!
  • Diapers & Wipes – Bring a small pack (20ish), newborns go through diapers quickly!
  • Bum Cream – We are a Sudocrem family
  • Swaddle – I love the SwaddleMe swaddles, we used them at the hospital too – The nurses will help you learn how to swaddle with a blanket which is a good skill to know but it also nice to be able to swaddle your baby up quickly and securely with a SwaddleMe swaddle.
  • Baby shampoo/body wash
  • Muslin blanket 
  • Soft blanket 
  • Sound Machine – Personally a must-have item for me. I sleep with white noise and so do all of my kids. Especially at the hospital, it can help drown out exterior noises.

For Partner:

  • Clothes
  • Toiletries
  • Phone & long phone charger
  • Entertainment (i.e. tablet with shows downloaded)
  • Wireless headphones
  • Pillow
  • Water Bottle
  • Snacks

Leave in the Car but Bring: 

  • Breast pump – Medela Pump In Style Double Electric Breast Pump or Medela Freestyle Hands-Free Breast Pump – I always brought my breast pump just in case I needed it, for both my deliveries I didn’t end up needing it, but it gave me piece of mind, knowing it was there, especially with having 5lbs twins.
  • Car seat – You will obviously need this at discharge but we kept ours in the car until right before discharge and then my husband went to get it. You are already bringing in so much when you go into deliver so it is nice to keep the bulky items in the car.
  • Stroller

Last put not least, bring excitement! I am so excited for you! You are about to deliver your baby and yes I know that there will be nerves, lots and lots of nerves, but there will be excitement too because you are about to meet your new bundle of love and your life is about to change, in the best way possible! You got this Mama!!